These instructions are for people local to Rye.
There may be a group with collection points closer to you.
How To Get Started
If you or anyone in your household is sick,
please do not participate and feel better!
To make this as easy as possible we hope this project will run itself so here's what we would like you to do:
For those of you who have your own machine, can sew competently and can follow our instructions, you can either gather your own fabric and elastic or you can pick it up from bins at Cliona’s garage door at 2 Robert Crisfield Place.
Please return the completed masks to the same address (Please add a note in the bag of quantity).
To make mask - click link below
Hand Sewers:
Click link below
1. We are no longer collecting fabric or other supplies, thank you for all your support!
2. We will leave a bin out so please continuing dropping off masks and we will distribute them to local shelters.
3. We are having a mask sale on May 2nd to raise money for "Feeding Westchester" food bank. The sale of 1 mask will provide 40 meals.
Sewers/Machinists - if you have questions about sewing please email Kim kim@sewhappyusa.net
If you need help regarding pick up and delivery of fabric/elastic please email Cliona clionacronin@gmail.com
Please follow/like our Sew Happy Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SewHappyUSA/
and Instagram pages https://www.instagram.com/sewhappyusa/ to see updates, photos, tips etc !