As consideration for being allowed to enter the Sew Happy Studios and/or participate in any class, lesson, camp, party, program or event at Sew Happy, the undersigned, on his or her own behalf, and on the behalf of the minor participant , if any, identified below (the “Participant”), acknowledges, appreciates, understands, and agrees to the following:
1. I am at least 18 years old and am legally competent to understand and complete this Agreement. I hereby execute this Agreement without coercion. I represent that I am the parent or legal guardian of the Participant, if any, identified below. The Participant and I are of physical ability to participate and be present in this location.
2. I recognize, acknowledge, agree, and understand that there are known and unknown risks associated with presence in a Sew Happy location, participation in any Sew Happy activities (including without limitation parties, camps, classes, lessons and events), and the use of the Sew Happy Studios, sewing machine equipment, scissors, needles, hot glue gun, iron and any and all other Sew Happy equipment. These risks include but are not limited to: cuts, punctures, burns, scrapes, cuts, bumps, or death, as well as exposure to viruses, unknown contagious diseases.
3. I, for myself and the Participant, willingly assume any risks associated with our presence and participation and accept that there are also risks that may arise due to other participants , which I also willingly assume.
4. I certify that I have adequate insurance to cover any injury, sickness, illness, or damage that I or the Participant may cause or suffer while present in a Sew Happy location or while participating in any activities at Sew Happy, or if not, that I shall bear all costs and expenses associated with or arising out of any injury, sickness, illness, or damages to myself, the Participant, or others. I further certify that I am willing to assume the risk of any medical or physical condition the Participant or I may have.
5. I agree that the Participant and I shall comply with all stated and customary terms, posted safety signs, rules, and verbal instructions from Sew Happy staff as conditions for our presence and participation in any activities of any nature at Sew Happy.
6. I further consent to Sew Happy staff taking my or the Participant’s temperature, and I acknowledge that the Participant and I may be denied access to or forced to vacate Sew Happy if either of us evidence any symptoms of sickness or illness, including, without limitation, symptoms of exposure to bacteria, fungus, viruses, unknown contagious diseases.